
Friday, April 20, 2012 launches

Local and former Lewiston Tribune Sports reporter, Ryan Collingwood has started a new business in Coeur d Alene.The business is a local High School and College level sports website called .The new website features blog like write ups on basicly all sports going on in the Coeur d' Alene area as well athletes news and info and even some podcasts and videos to download on top of the usual highlights and Coeur d' Alene area sports scores. will operate with a subscription based format offering annual memberships for 29.88 a year or monthly for only 4.99, and if you don't feel the need to subscribe, individual stories can be purchased for only 75 cents each isn't just for schools in Coeur d' Alene but all of Kootenai County including Lakeland High School, Post Falls High School and Timberlake High School.
For more on the new visit their website at - or like them on facebook at