
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Madeleines Cafe & Patisserie to move, to open sister establishment.

( Photo credit- Madeleines Facebook page at - )

Big things are happening to Madeleine's with a big move and the opening of a new sister establishment , at a historic building that we mentioned earlier as being renovated to include several new tenants. 

Madeleine's , which is a favorite Spokane restaurant , will relocate from their current home near River Park Square at 707 W. Main Ave to this new location. The building is the former home of Dutch's Music Store and is a couple of blocks east on W. Main at 421 W. Main .The new location is connected to the former Huppin's Downtown store, which together are being completely renovated . For more info on the renovation plans for the historic block, check this prior INBW post-

Madeleine's will be a part of the renovations and is currently set to open at the new location in October. The new location will include new décor , 2 espresso machines , access to a courtyard for new outdoor dining and a bigger bakery.

Madeleine's is also in the construction process of opening a new sister business. That business will be called Durkin's Liquor Bar. Durkin's was mentioned once earlier on this blog but we now know a bit more about it.
Durkin's Liquor Bar will also be in the same block, directly next door to the new Madeleine's. Durkin's will open first but doesn't have a set opening date yet as construction is still on going. The bar will be modeled after a saloon that operated Downtown in the 1800's and owned by a man named, Jimmie Durkin.
A few more spaces in the buildings remain still available and might be taken by more restaurants / spas and salons or retail businesses. A rumor has also swirled about a small hotel on the upper floors of the building. We will keep watching this project for more, and the similar major renovations directly across W. Main in the Bennett Block Building, which we will have more on in the future.
Madeleline's remains open at the current location near River Park Square and there is no known tenants planned to take over their current location.
For more info on Madeleline's Café & Patisserie visit their web site at-