
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Pyrotek completes move of HQ to Downtown Spokane

After a long phase of construction, and before that some time of sitting empty, the former Eastern Washington University Spokane building is now full once again. The building has undergone many upgrades and even has acquired a new name.

The building, which is located at 705 W. First Ave in the Downtown core is now known as the Pyrotek Corporate Center to reflect it's new purpose. The large concrete and glass building is now being used for the Corporate HQ of a company called Pyrotek. Eastern Washington University's Spokane classes and operations moved to the University District with the main campus still in Cheney.

Pyrotek is a company that sells and manufactures high temperature products with thousands of employees that work in the companies many domestic and international locations that includes 30+ countries worldwide.

Before moving into the new Downtown Spokane building Pyrotek had operated their headquarters from Spokane Valley where they also still operate an active manufacturing plant..

The new HQ building employ's 65 and has 55,000 square feet of space.

For more information on Pyrotek including jobs with the company visit their website at-