
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Indaba Coffee launches Indiegogo campaign to support new Downtown location

One of my prior posts about Indaba Coffee opening a new second location has taken a huge step forward. The popular coffee shop in Spokane's West Central neighborhood has launched an online fundraising campaign to raise extra funding to open this new location.

While it is implied that this new Downtown Indaba Coffee will still happen regardless of the campaign, it is an important part of the businesses goals. The fundraising is being done on the web site

In my personal opinion, I highly recommend visiting the Indaba project page and doing what you can to support Indaba. Indaba Coffee gives back to our city in many ways and such a business helps to set a standard for what business can be , local and caring.

Here is the link to campaign -

The campaign includes many interesting perks, everything from a hand shake for $ 1 up to coffee for life for $ 30,000 . The campaign continues through March 15th 2015 and is requesting a goal of $ 30,000 . As of my writing this ( on Feb 9th ) the site has already earned almost $3,000 , a success for the early date but with still a long ways to go.

Here is some information on the purposed new Downtown Indaba Coffee location, from a former posting on this web site-

The West Central neighborhood's anchor coffee shop, Indaba Coffee, will expand there reach soon with a new second location in the heart of Downtown Spokane.

The original location, which can be found at 1425 W. Broadway will remain open. And, the new location will open in the coming weeks / months in a first floor storefront in the Bennett Block building, corner of Main and Howard . The new Downtown Indaba Coffee will take a small space in between Mizuna and the former Spokane Exercise Equipment store.

The new location will employ 5 and will feature their single origin coffees and provide a venue for barista competitions. Here is exactly what to expect from Indaba from company owner and founder Bobby Enslow-

" We will be offering several coffee options for your espresso or pour over coffee. We also have some fun surprises for those really into specialty coffee. As we continue to pioneer specialty coffee in Spokane, people can expect to find unique coffee cocktails, spectacular hospitality, and the usual amazing cup of coffee. "

For more information on Indaba Coffee find them at-

Or via Facebook at-

Update: The new location will be designed by Uptic Studios of Spokane, the same firm that also designed Casper Fry , The Flying Goat and many more local buildings. Renderings of the new Indaba are said to be coming on their Facebook page.