
Monday, February 23, 2015

Manufacturing incubator, Toolbox , opens nearby Downtown Spokane

I stand behind the statement that Spokane and the Inland Northwest are great places to start a business. And, The Lilac City is becoming even more friendly to these " start up " businesses all the time. In fact, today several new business incubators and co-working facilities are found here. But, until recently there was no manufacturing incubator space for start up manufacturing businesses to turn too.

Enter Toolbox, Spokane's newest manufacturing incubator and by my research Spokane's first.

Toolbox has set up shop at 840 E. Spokane Falls Blvd. Building #1 and provides start up's with space to grow their business idea into a booming company. The hope is this new space will create new jobs for the local area at the site and by growing company's .
The space Toolbox occupies is not huge with about 7,500 square feet but will provide many resources. They will also help with mentoring and provide an on site conference room. Some additional renovations are to be done to the space but already a select group of businesses are already using Toolbox.
Among the tenants already at Toolbox are...
Vestis Systems ( )
Inov8 Inc.
Berg Development Company ( )
Washington State University Integrated Design Lab ( )
Spokane Create! ( )
And more are likely to come. And one of those tenants mentioned above is exciting in it's own right ( not that they aren't all great company's ). That tenant is Spokane Create which is described as " Spokane's makerspace / hackerspace " . Spokane Create is actually a non profit organization and is open every Wednesday night.
Spokane Create allows a space for local students and other a space to get together and " build stuff". For more information on Spokane Create, visit them at -
And for more information on Toolbox visit them at-
Or on Facebook-