
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sportscenter at 2015 Spokane Hoopfest update

With only a few more days till Hoopfest kicks off on the streets of Downtown Spokane, we are finally learning more about an exciting side event coming to the tournment this year. That side events is that ESPN's Sportscenter program will be at Hoopfest!

Hoopfest, which is the World's largest 3 on 3 Basketball tournament, bringing in millions to the local economy and keeping many Downtown businesses hopping, apparently caught the eye of the national cable sports networks producers recently. ESPN crews will be all around Downtown Spokane during all of Hoopfest 2015, filming for various reasons.

But, on Sunday morning, the highly rated Sportscenter show will be live from Hoopfest. Assuming everything stays as planned...

Sportscenter will broadcast from a site nearby the corner of W. Spokane Falls Blvd. and N. Stevens St. . Currently they plan to be live for their 10AM EST show, which would air at 7AM here in the Pacific Time Zone.

Sportscenter will be live at Hoopfest as part of special where the sports show will broadcast from unique sporting events around the United States this summer. Spokane will be one of six sites for this special which ESPN calls Sportscenter on the Road...

This will be just one of many special events within the main Spokane Hoopfest event this year. An event called Spokane Fan Fest will take place nearby the Convention Center and a craft beer festival called Hopfest is also planned, taking place in Riverfront Park.

Please also do exercise caution, if you are planning to attend Hoopfest this year as temperatures are expected to be up as high as 110 in some spots locally Sunday. Perhaps a good excuse to drop in to one of Downtown Spokane's many air conditioned locally owned and operated businesses ;)

For more information on Spokane Hoopfest, visit their website at-