
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Cooking Channel show Cheap Eats in town filming an upcoming Spokane episode

Television crews have been spotted around Spokane filming for a popular show on the Cooking Channel called Cheap Eats. The plot of the show surrounds host Ali Kahn ( blogger behind the Bang for your Burger Buck blog ) traveling to cities and trying to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack all for under $35 and all in 12 hours.

We're told the Cheap Eats Spokane episode will air during the show's third season ( episode #6 ) with no air date available just yet, although it will be about 4 months from now. Other cities Cheap Eats have visited include Louisville, Salt Lake City, Miami, Bozeman and several more.

We're still working on pin pointing exactly where the TV show will shoot here in Spokane but know they have already been to Mary Lou's Milk Bottle in the Garland District and appear to be planning to film / have filmed at Frank's Diner Downtown, both of which are excellent choices. We'll likely up date this post or create a new one when we know more and have the air date.

For more on the Cheap Eats TV show itself and their past episodes check them out at-

And, to check out host Ali Kahn's blog, check-  * we think you may see a Spokane post on here someday too as I notice several other Cheap Eats locales mentions on it already