
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Monroe Street Grill to take place of former Shari's on Monroe

The former Shari's restaurant location at 1829 N. Monroe has sat empty since Shari's closed down that location about 4 years ago. For a time in 2016 it looked like the site was to be sold and demolished for a new Burger King restaurant. But shortly after that plan was proposed, the franchisee backed out due to the city's rules for pedestrian corridors that would likely have not allowed a new drive thru lane to be constructed.

Fast forward to today and workers are now prepping the building, not to be torn down, but to be saved and turned into a new locally owned and operated restaurant. The owners behind Top of the Line Seafood & Burgers in Cheney are planning on moving their restaurant operations into the building and re-naming it the Monroe Street Grill.

The Monroe Street Grill is planned to open sometime in June and will feature the same breakfast, lunch and dinner menu as Top of the Line did. They also hope to soon add even more sandwiches and dinners and possibly doing more on their smoker. Also the move allows them to hire on a few more employees

Monroe Street Grill doesn't seem to have a separate website set up yet, but more info on the business and their menu can be found on Top of the Line's Facebook page at-