
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Exchange Publishing moves to new larger offices

Exchange Publishing is on the move. The company publishes a quarterly horse & ranch magazine, Horse Previews and the popular Exchange classified advertising paper among other publications announced they have recently moved into new office space on Trent Ave.

The company moved from their offices on 3rd in Downtown Spokane to new offices at 5111 E. Trent Ave. . The new offices are 1500 square feet larger then their previous space, and the move might even mean hiring additional staff. To show off the space they plan to host an open house on Thursday, August 22nd from 4-7, follow them for more info.

Also, Exchange Publishing recently won first place in general excellence for a " shopper " paper in North America for 2019 from the Association of Free Community Papers, a national origination. The Exchange paper can be found at all major grocery markets, gas stations & stores in Eastern Washington and parts of North Idaho. They are also online with the popular website-