
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Large apartment complex with multi story buildings planned next to the Hamilton St bridge

If all goes as planned construction will begin in the spring for a large new apartment complex along the Spokane River on either side of the Hamilton St. bridge and accessed by the recently opened Martin Luther Kind Jr. Way extension.

The project is being proposed by Phoenix, AZ based Sagamore Capital and is still in pre-development planning phase. However a construction date is already suggested in the plans of April 2020, this of course if not official. This development is estimated to cost about $45 million to build.

The project is named River Bend Development in the planning documents and will consist of 4 new construction buildings and 287 apartments. Building 1 and 2, which will be closest to the river will be 4 story buildings with buildings 3 and 4 being closer to MLK Jr. Way and will each of 7 stories each. The project would be served by 239 newly created parking spaces with on site parking and a new public parking area to the east of the River Bend Development project.

Keep watching Inland Northwest Business Watch for more on this and other new construction projects happening around Spokane.