
Friday, December 2, 2022

INBW is now on Patreon. Please consider supporting us!

 This post is a bit of a deviation of our normal posts, we will be back to construction and business news after this. But this post is intended to announce that you can now support Inland Northwest Business Watch on Patreon.

Patreon is a crowdfunding platform used by many creators, if you follow any YouTube channels, podcasts or some blogs you've likely heard of this site. It's to provide financial support to the creative community, and although many are more creative than I, I thought it might help the site. You do not need to donate to get the news from our site, this is just an option for those who might want to provide an extra thank you. We don't have a pay wall, there is no subscription fee, and we want to grow while keeping it that way. 

One day I hope to make this site my full-time job, with INBW hosted events, a YouTube channel, Podcast and possibly improving the site. I don't know if this is possible but it's a goal and perhaps you have the means to help me obtain some version of this goal. I won't ask very often but if you are interested here is how to find out more, you can give $5-$50 a month-

If you'd rather give a one time donation as a tip, that can be done via the DonorBox widget at-

Thank you!