
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Prime IV Hydration & Wellness opens in Spokane, location in Coeur d' Alene coming soon

 A new clinic has opened in Spokane that is offering a unique type of therapy for its patients. A locally owned franchise of Prime IV Hydration & Wellness launched early last month at 2630 E. 29th Ave in the Rosauers Plaza on the South Hill. 

Courtesy photo- the spa uses massage chairs and oxygen while the IV is infusing.

The business says they are a health spa that provides vitamin IV infusions and injections. Their services are available to those seeking greater health and wellness and can benefit people with vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune disorders and many other pre-existing conditions. They claim the IV treatment allows the body to absorb 100% of the vitamins compared to just 20% absorption rate when taken orally.

Courtesy photo- lead medical nurse, Brian, preparing an IV bag.

Prime IV offers memberships and there are different IV treatments available for a variety of conditions. The staff is fully trained and qualified to provide patient consultations and a Doctor oversees the daily operations of the clinic. 

Prime IV is a national franchise with over 50 locations throughout the US. The new Spokane locations is their first in Washington and the owners plan to open two more in the Spokane area in the future. Another franchise owner is also planning to open a location soon in Coeur d'Alene at 204 W. Ironwood Dr. Suite C. For more information on Prime IV Hydrations & Wellness check out their website at