
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Big Dipper making plans for restoration , re-opening .

Just a couple of weeks ago or so , we made mention the re-opening of The Big Dipper on this blog. The business has re-opened and is now being used as a event center for smaller events and gatherings. But as many know, The Big Dipper , was originally a live music hub for Spokane. And, shortly after announcing it's opening for events. Plans have come up for renovations that would bring the business back as live music venue.
The Big Dipper is located in Downtown Spokane at 171 S. Washington . The individual behind the plan is Dan Hoerner, who was once a member of a band that played The Big Dipper in it's hey day. Hoerner, has turned to the funding web site to finance his plan to bring back The Big Dipper.

While there is a lot of work that needs done to renovate historic building back into a club and live music venue. One big project stands above the rest, installing fire sprinklers, that portion of the work could cost as much as $50,000, which is the main reason behind the indiegogo campaign.

Already a few media mentions of the plan have helped bring the businesses campaign up some but as of now they still have away's to go till 50,000. They will be accepting donations for approximately the next 2 months via this page-

Like any other indiegogo fundraising campaign, donations are being accepted at multiple levels each with unique perks. From a $5 donation getting you a thank you note, to a $25,000 donation getting you, your name placed above the stage and a lifetime pass to all shows at the new Big Dipper.

Also as mentioned in the prior post The Big Dipper is also open now for a variety of events, gatherings and / or shows. Due to the size and lack of the aforementioned fire sprinklers the event sizes maybe limited, but a commercial kitchen , full bar , stage, dance area and a VIP section are all just added perks towards hosting an event in the new old space.

For more information on The Big Dipper, check-

Or find The Big Dipper on Facebook at-

To donate to the The Big Dipper's indiegogo fundraising campaign go to-